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Sitty (38. SSW): „I’m so comfortable and happy every time it grows“

Nicht mal mehr zwei Wochen, dann wird Sitty zum ersten Mal Mama. Die 24-jährige modelt seit ihrem 18. Lebensjahr. Scheinbar mühelos schlüpft sie dafür in die verschiedensten Rollen und präsentiert dabei casual und sporty Styles genauso authentisch wie Lingerie und extravagante Artsy Fashion. Auch privat dürfen ihre Outfits gern das gewisse Extra haben. Jetzt mit Babybauch mag es die Wahl-Münchnerin mit singapurischen Wurzeln aber vor allem luftig und locker, wenn es um ihre Kleidung geht. Die wichtigsten Pieces in ihrer Umstandsgarderobe? Gut stützende Schwangerschafts- und Still BHs sowie stretchige Umstandshosen!

Sitty im Ballet Schlaf Still BH

Im Mamarella Shop fand Sitty im rosafarbenden Ballet Schlaf Still BH ihr absolutes Lieblingsstück für die Schwangerschaft. Das bügellose Bustier mit Cache-Coeur Ausschnitt gibt ihrer Brust optimalen Halt. Das feine Gewebe aus Petal-Soft™ Material ist nicht nur super weich, sondern auch besonders elastisch, sodass es die Veränderungen der Brust in der Schwangerschaft und späteren Stillzeit locker mitmacht. Die soft gefütterten Modal-Cups und das elastische Unterbrustband sorgen außerdem für extra hohen Tragekomfort.

Neben dem Ballet Schlaf Still BH, den wir übrigens auch in Schwarz haben, fand Sitty bei uns eine Umstandsleggings für ihre täglichen Workouts, dazu ein super bequemes Umstands- und Stilltop aus Bio-Baumwolle und einen sommerlichen Umstands-Kaftan aus Crepe-Viskose aus unserer neuen MAMARELLA Kollektion.

Wir sprachen mit Sitty über ihre die Schwangerschaft und das Modeln und wollten wissen, wie sie die Veränderung ihres Körpers während der Schwangerschaft erlebt. Das Interview mit ihr haben wir auf Englisch geführt. Aus Gründen der Authentizität haben wir es nicht übersetzt und geben es im Original wieder.

Sitty im Mamarella Interview

Sitty, congratulations on your pregnancy! Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers: Who are you, what do you do?

Sure thing! My name is Sitty, and I’ve been modeling since I was 18 years old when the opportunity came about. I’ve done my studies in International Business and would like to hopefully pursue a beauty business in the future!

How would you describe yourself? Sitty in 5 words:

 Friendly, Outgoing, Simple, Energetic, Eccentric

The baby bump looks great on you! How are you doing? How have you experienced pregnancy so far?

Thank you! I’m doing good so far. The 3rd trimester has been really tough on me. I used to be quite active before the pregnancy and up to 2nd trimester. I had troubles getting up and down from sitting and in bed. Little did I know that I’m suffering from pelvic girdle pain. It should get better once my baby is here, so I’m not too worried about it!

How long have you been working as a model and for which industries or styles mainly? 

I’ve been modeling on the side while studying since I was 18 years old focusing mainly on fashion. I’ve done varieties of projects and styles from catalogs, editorial to commercials. 

What do you like about modelling?

I’ve learnt a lot during my modelling days. I love meeting people of all walks of life and being around creative people.

What was your best modelling job/photoshoot so far and why?

There’s so many and its hard to choose! But my most memorable ones was walking at a fashion week in London. Seeing how everyone worked so hard to get everything go smoothly is incredible with so much hard work!

Have you also modelled with a baby bump?

I did actually do a maternity photography shoot with Carmen Bergmann. It’s different than what I’m used to, but the photos looked amazing! I also did an editorial style project at the Hunting Museum in Munich with Jonas Höschl and 2 other models. It was such a different experience with my belly in the way, but I enjoyed it very much!

Umstandstop aus Bio-Baumwolle
Casual Comfort: das Umstands- und Stilltop mit Spitze aus Bio-Baumwolle schwarz aus der MAMARELLA Kollektion
Model Sitty im Mamarella Top

As a model you are of course very well trained and super slim. How did it feel for you to suddenly experience such a different body? Have you always felt comfortable in your body during pregnancy?

You know, since I was a kid I have always had body issues. I was a really skinny kid and people were always so quick to point that out. Since I got into modeling, it gave me the opportunity to accept me for who I am. And yes of course, there are times where measurements didn’t fit to what the client wants. But over time, as you get older and learn to love yourself, no comment or words can change your view on yourself. How did I feel for my body to suddenly be different? I love it, I’m so comfortable and happy every time it grows. So long as my baby and I are keeping a healthy diet and happy mentally, that’s all that matters.

Do you take care to keep your body in shape during pregnancy or do you allow yourself some relaxation in this respect? Do you exercise during pregnancy?

I do try to work out everyday. It’s more of a habit now that it keeps me feeling great at the start of the day. But since I’ve been having my pelvic problems recently, I have not been doing much exercises other than my daily walk around the block.

How long do you plan to take a break from modelling after the birth of your baby? Or are your next modelling appointments coming up soon after the birth?

To be honest, I don’t know how soon I can get back into modeling or if I will. I have no stress on that at the moment and would like to focus on recovery and meeting my little baby. But when opportunities come for some cool modeling project, I’d say count me in!

Sity trägt Sport Umstandsleggings mit Mesh Einsätzen
Für Workouts, den „daily walk around the block“ oder für sportliche Alltagsstyles: die Sport Umstandsleggings im Mesh Einsätzen

What do you prefer to wear in your private life? How would you describe your style?

I like to be comfortable plus a pinch of uniqueness in anything I wear. That is very important to me. I don’t think I have any specific style but I know what I like when I see it!

What was the first piece of maternity clothing you bought and approximately what week of pregnancy was it?

My first piece of maternity clothing that I bought was a maternity bra. I got it pretty early on, maybe on the 12th weeks of pregnancy. My boobs were growing quite rapidly than I’m used to haha.

What do you look for to feel comfortable and chic in your clothes, even with a baby bump?

I look for something loose and airy. I find myself getting hot flashes quite easily, so when something is too tight but not breathable, it annoys me.

What do you consider to be the absolute must-have item of clothing for pregnancy and why?

Stretchable maternity pants and bra! These things were so important to give me support on where I needed and keeps me comfortable.

What are your favourites at Mamarella?

I love them all but my favourite is the ballet nursing bra! They are so comfy and cute. I could use them everyday!

Thank you for the interview and the pictures! We wish you all the best for the remaining days of your pregnancy, a wonderfully relaxed birth and a wonderful time getting to know your baby!

Shop the Look: Sittys Mamarella Styles


Das bügellose Still Bustier speziellem weichem Petal-Soft™ Material liegt sanft auf der Haut. Das Material ist dehnbar, sodass es sich Sittys Brust perfekt anpasst. Später kann sie ihr Baby darin ganz einfach stillen. Dafür schiebt sie nur die Cups auseinander. Der Still BH wurde nach dem Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 getestet und zertifiziert.


Eine Bindung unterhalb der Brust sorgt dafür, dass der luftige Umstands-Kaftan aus softer Crepe Viskose immer perfekt sitzt. Das leichte Material ist atmungsaktiv und besonders weich. Das perfekte Piece für diesen Sommer!


Super bequem und vielsietig zu kombinieren: Das Umstands- und Stilltop aus weicher Bio-Baumwolle mit zartem Spitzensaum am Ausschnitt. Nach der Geburt kann Sitty das Top prima weitertragen. Zum Stillen schiebt sie die beiden Stofflagen einfach auseinander und erhält so einen schnellen Zugang zur Brust.


Die Sport Umstandsleggings aus elastischem und atmungsaktiven Material mit flexiblem Überbauchbund sitzt einfach immer perfekt. Die Mesh-Einsätze sind ein stylischer Hingucker. Die Leggings eignet sich für Yoga, Pilates, Jogging und die Rückbildungsgymnastik nach der Geburt.

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