Chilling while nursing - Breastfeeding made easy

First things first, breastfeeding is extremely practical. There is no simpler and more straightforward way to calm your baby than to feed it whenever it is hungry, with no need to mix formula or warm up bottles. A mother's milk is available anytime, anywhere, immediately and always at the right temperature. You'll appreciate that in the first few months after birth because you'll have plenty of other things to do. Even if you can (or want to...) barely imagine it during pregnancy, once your son or daughter is there to feed, you'll come to enjoy those special moments of togetherness very much indeed. In the end, it's the same with breastfeeding as with everything else: it just takes getting used to. It definitely helps to make breastfeeding as pleasant and uncomplicated as possible.

At home, being comfortable is important. A comfortable nursing pillow and frequent consumption of nursing or mother's milk tea can do wonders. On the go, practical breastfeeding fashions with discreet nursing openings and the matching nursing bra are helpful. If you don't want to put on a public show and want to protect baby from curious on-lookers, then you'll want to try one of our breastfeeding ponchos. These can also be used as a shawl or baby blanket and are a good investment. The question of finding the right-size nursing bra is a concern for all of us during pregnancy. What do the numbers mean? Which letter am I? And what does "two sizes larger than normal" mean? And here, what we say is: just relax. We are happy to help in moments like these. Our nursing bra size consultant is here to answer any questions.

Practical nursing fashions - Any time, any place

We love maternity clothes that you can continue to wear after birth. That's why we integrate discreet nursing openings in our maternity outfits, so that they can continue to be worn long after baby's born.
