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Lerne unser Model Ida kennen

Vor wenigen Monaten stand Model Ida für das Shooting unserer aktuellen MAMARELLA Kollektion vor der Kamera. Mit kugelrundem Babybauch rockte die gebürtige Dänin und leidenschaftliche DJane das Shooting in der 36. SSW. Sie präsentierte für uns unter anderem unsere neue Mix & Match Nachtwäsche und unsere nachhaltigen Umstandsshirts.

Ida im Umstands- und Stillshirt aus Bio-Baumwolle gestreift
Ida im Umstands- und Stillshirt aus Bio-Baumwolle gestreift

Inzwischen ist Ida Mama geworden und stellt uns heute ganz stolz ihre Tochter Nova vor. Nach einer sehr kräftezehrenden und dramatischen Geburt vor rund drei Monaten genießt Ida heute einfach jeden Augenblick mit ihrem Baby. Putzmunter, stark und ruhig – Nova ist ein genügsames kleines Mädchen, das ihre Mama unendlich glücklich macht.

Zusammen mit Ida lassen wir unser gemeinsames Shooting und ihre Schwangerschaft noch einmal Revue passieren. Dabei zeigt sie uns exklusive Schnappschüsse aus dem heimischen Garten und verrät uns, welche Umstandsmode sie am liebsten trug und wie sie die letzten Tage vor der Geburt verbrachte.

Ida mit Tochter Nova
Ida, wunderschön und ganz natürlich im leichten 2-in-1 Umstands- und Stillpullover mit Bluse graublau
Model Ida mit Tochter Nova
Baby Nova trägt auf dem Foto übrigens den cosy Organic Strampler mit Knopfleiste hellblau aus einem Mix aus softer Bambus-Viskose und Bio-Baumwolle

Ida im Mamarella Interview: „It makes my heart melt, so much I sometimes feel like crying“

*** Da sich Ida im Gespräch auf Englisch wohler fühlte als auf Deutsch, haben wir das Interview mit ihr auf Englisch geführt. Aus Gründen der Authentizität übersetzen wir das Gespräch nicht und belassen es in der Originalsprache.***

Ida, how do you feel after your first weeks as a mum?

After my body recovered I felt really good, I have got a happy and calm baby that sleeps a lot, so it has not been challenging so far.

How did your everyday life change with the baby?

I surprisingly enough do not feel a big difference in my everyday life. I’m sure I will, when she is getting a bit older and can move around and is more awake than now.

How did you experience the last days before the birth? Were you very excited?

I was really looking forward to experience the birth, even I knew it would be painful. The waiting time was a little hard, I really could not wait to see her and to know she was okay and healthy.

The waiting time was most hard in the beginning. When I started to feel her movements inside my bump, it was a lot easier, as I could feel she was okay everyday. Very close to the birth I was happy I went 10 days over my due date as I had a lot of things I wanted to prepare. My friends told me I would have no time when she would be here, so I made sure everything was in order at home and I would have a lot of nice food in the freezer and that everything was perfectly sorted and very clean, both my apartment in Berlin and my summerhouse in Kopenhagen.

Ida spielt ihrer ungeborenen Tochter Musik vor
Ida liebt Musik und legt als DJane regelmäßig auf. Kein Wunder also, dass die kleine Nova schon in Mamas Bauch ihre erste Beats erleben durfte

How did you experience the birth? Did it go as you wished?

I had planned for a natural birth at a birth clinic, even without pain medicine available and I did all I could for it to be possible, but the complete opposite happened. It ended in an emergency c-section. I just wanted her out safe that was all I had in my mind.

And then she was there, little Nova! What were your first thoughts?

I was so thankful she made it out alive and that she was so strong she could handle all the contractions and my raising fever towards the end. Because of the long birth and the c-section operation I was on a lot of medicine, so I was drifting in and out of consciousness. Due to these circumstances I didn’t feel much as they lay her on my breast. I remember I saw her thinking it is crazy and fascinating how she looked exactly like I did the first hours after I was born and I was very happy she was good at eating and she looked so strong and calm.

Babyfüße von Nova
So klein und niedlich sind die Baby-Füßchen der kleinen Nova.

What was the best moment so far with your new baby? And what moments where the most challenging?

The best moments is seeing her smile and trying to laugh, it makes my heart melt, so much I sometimes feel like crying. The only challenging moments have been the sleepless nights due to the night feedings. She is a very easy, happy and calm baby I believe, as it has not been hard so far.

Ida über das Modeln mit Babybauch: „It felt very natural to me“

You modeled for Mamarella in the 36th week of pregnancy. How did you remember it? Is modeling with a baby bump more challenging than without?

The shoot went very well, I had a very good and easy pregnancy. It was super easy and felt very natural to me.

Did you have favourite clothes of the shoot?

Yes, the Maternity and Nursing Sweater with Detachable Blouse blue and your lovely soft Maternity and Nursing Bra Seamless black.

Did you always feel comfortable in your body during your pregnancy?

Yes I always did, I loved my pregnant body.

What do you look for most in your clothes, especially maternity clothes?

That is has to be soft, practical and comfortable.

Ecovero Umstands- und Stillkleid mit Post Partum Shaping Top navy
Soft, practical and comfortable – das ist unser nachhaltiges Ecovero Umstands- und Stillkleid mit Post Partum Shaping Top navy auf jeden Fall. Zum Shooting saß es perfekt an der schwangeren Ida und ebenso perfekt an unserem After-Baby-Model Adriana.

Wir danken Ida für die tolle Zusammenarbeit und wünschen ihr und ihrer kleinen Familie für die Zukunft alles erdenklich Gute! ?

Ida überglücklich mit Tochter Nova
Autor Creative Director

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